zondag 27 januari 2013

januari 2013 update

hey hey !! we are very sorry for the slow slow updates, doom and misanthropy all around this winter...

it's very hard lately to get our band together to practise and play , but good times ahead , we have a few live dates in future, one of it is at the FROST PUNX PIKNIK, together with our italian stenchfriends CANCER SPREADING. A lot of nice bands (the mob, hibernation ...), great atmosphere, distros , vegan food etc, realy nice venue (AZ mulheim), everything you need for a perfect 2 days DIY fest!
another show is booked in summer, but we are keeping it silent for now, because the organisers want to make the line-up public once it's booked completely.

And for the rest of it... the new album is finished , but pressing plant is keeping us waiting, so hopefully it won't take long anymore ...

maandag 24 september 2012

woensdag 1 augustus 2012

Face your underground vol 12

One song from our split LP from last year , is going to be on the 'face your underground - Vol 12 " compilation.

Lots of great bands & friends on it,... !


Tour was fucking great !

the tour is sadly enough finished , but we had the best time , see old friends again, and made a lot of new ones... Was great to share a few days of the tour with AGNOSY,great people, great tunes, we should do that more often ! BIG THANKS to porkmeister for sharing his smell in the van for 2 weeks, the help with everything etc, to yannick (herrenberg), dunja and klub gromka, damir the kroatian beast (rijeka), Ariana and the people from AKC medika (zagreb) , Everyone involved in Stonerizer fest (serbia), great fest, keep it up, all the people from ISONYAT (hongaria), Danka and club DIY (timisoara), David & Ala (praha), steve & andrijana for the hospitality, the drinks (ai ai ), the Liwi crustpunks (leipzig), damn good food and breakfast , you rock ! gabriel and kopi - squat, Pawel Polish breakfast ;-) & Diy fest. Realy thank you all for making this the great tour it was ! CHEERS !!

dinsdag 5 juni 2012

news news news !!

we are just back from studio 1in12, in bradford,(UK)...
recording went great, were we have to thank bri doom for !
needs some minor fine tuning & then it's finished.

Then it will be waiting for our italian stenchers cancer spreading, to get their stuff recorded , and release that hell-ish split LP !
hopefully out somewhere end of october !

we also have some news about the tour, the dates are almost 100% ok , here and there still a gap that has to be confirmed, but looks like fun,...

we can't wait to be on the road again, play some tunes and drink yer booze...

tuesday 3 july - Nurnberg (D)
Wednesday 4 july - Ljubljana (SLO)
thursday 5 july - Rijeka (HR)
friday 6 july - Zagreb (HR)
saturday 7 july - stonerizer fest confirmed, boljevac (SRB)
sunday 8 july - Timisoara (ROM)
monday 9 july - aijka (H) TBC
tuesday 10 july - Praha (CH)
wednesday 11 july - Leipzig (D)
thursday - 12 july - Berlin (D)
friday 13 july - DIY fest, gdynia (PL)
saturday 14 july - diy fest day off (PL)
Sunday 15 july – Bremen/Hamburg (D) NEED HELP !


31 aug - 1 september - paranoya fest, dressden (D)
13 okt - subvert fest bristol (UK)

donderdag 5 april 2012

hey everyone, ... last legion alive was offered to do some fests in summer, but some of them are so close to eachother, that we thought we might make a small tour out of it, travelling in between the fests ... we came up with some kind of road/ tourplan option that seems possible, so anyone that feels like helping us out, or has better ideas then us, let us knows please !! thanks , L.L.A. Wednesday 4 july - - Nurnberg ? / stuttgart ?? (D) thursday 5 july - Ljubljana (SLO) friday 6 july - Zagreb (HR) saturday 7 july - stonerizer fest confirmed, boljevac (SRB) sunday 8 july - Timisoara (ROM) monday 9 july - aijka (H) ?? / bratislava (SK) ?? tuesday 10 july - Cadcka (SK) wednesday 11 july - Krakow (PL) / wroclaw (PL) ?? thursday - 12 july - Warsaw (PL) // ...??? friday 13 july - DIY fest, gdynia confirmed (PL) saturday 14 july - diy fest day off, or concert in berlin (D) ? Sunday 15 july – Berlin concert ? Hamburg / hannover ?? or end of tour ?