woensdag 1 augustus 2012
Tour was fucking great !
the tour is sadly enough finished , but we had the best time , see old friends again, and made a lot of new ones... Was great to share a few days of the tour with AGNOSY,great people, great tunes, we should do that more often !
BIG THANKS to porkmeister for sharing his smell in the van for 2 weeks, the help with everything etc, to yannick (herrenberg), dunja and klub gromka, damir the kroatian beast (rijeka), Ariana and the people from AKC medika (zagreb) , Everyone involved in Stonerizer fest (serbia), great fest, keep it up, all the people from ISONYAT (hongaria), Danka and club DIY (timisoara), David & Ala (praha), steve & andrijana for the hospitality, the drinks (ai ai ), the Liwi crustpunks (leipzig), damn good food and breakfast , you rock ! gabriel and kopi - squat, Pawel Polish breakfast ;-) & Diy fest.
Realy thank you all for making this the great tour it was ! CHEERS !!