hey hey !!
we are very sorry for the slow slow updates, doom and misanthropy all around this winter...
it's very hard lately to get our band together to practise and play , but good times ahead , we have a few live dates in future, one of it is at the FROST PUNX PIKNIK, together with our italian stenchfriends CANCER SPREADING. A lot of nice bands (the mob, hibernation ...), great atmosphere, distros , vegan food etc, realy nice venue (AZ mulheim), everything you need for a perfect 2 days DIY fest!
another show is booked in summer, but we are keeping it silent for now, because the organisers want to make the line-up public once it's booked completely.
And for the rest of it... the new album is finished , but pressing plant is keeping us waiting, so hopefully it won't take long anymore ...