dinsdag 5 juni 2012

news news news !!

we are just back from studio 1in12, in bradford,(UK)...
recording went great, were we have to thank bri doom for !
needs some minor fine tuning & then it's finished.

Then it will be waiting for our italian stenchers cancer spreading, to get their stuff recorded , and release that hell-ish split LP !
hopefully out somewhere end of october !

we also have some news about the tour, the dates are almost 100% ok , here and there still a gap that has to be confirmed, but looks like fun,...

we can't wait to be on the road again, play some tunes and drink yer booze...

tuesday 3 july - Nurnberg (D)
Wednesday 4 july - Ljubljana (SLO)
thursday 5 july - Rijeka (HR)
friday 6 july - Zagreb (HR)
saturday 7 july - stonerizer fest confirmed, boljevac (SRB)
sunday 8 july - Timisoara (ROM)
monday 9 july - aijka (H) TBC
tuesday 10 july - Praha (CH)
wednesday 11 july - Leipzig (D)
thursday - 12 july - Berlin (D)
friday 13 july - DIY fest, gdynia (PL)
saturday 14 july - diy fest day off (PL)
Sunday 15 july – Bremen/Hamburg (D) NEED HELP !


31 aug - 1 september - paranoya fest, dressden (D)
13 okt - subvert fest bristol (UK)